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Writer's pictureJane Bayreuther

Winter Pressures and PEM Meeting

This is a discussion forum to talk about and share potential solutions regarding current and impending autumn/ winter pressures in PEDs in the UK.

Chaired by:

Dr Scott Hendry, Chair of the Intercollegiate Committee for Standards for CYP in Emergency Care Settings.

Dr Jane Bayreuther, Chair of the Association of Paediatric Emergency Medicine

Who is it for?

Paediatricians working in Emergency Care Departments.

We will be discussing:

Infection Control/COVID measures, mental health issues, potential ways to reduce/redirect numbers presenting, exit block and much more. Other suggestions/topics welcome…

To make this meeting as helpful as possible please let us know if there are any other topic areas/issues you would like to see discussed or if you have specific questions related to the areas above. Please email your topic areas/issues and questions to by Friday 23rd September.

Accessing the meeting

The meeting is 13.00 – 14.00 on Wednesday 28th September 2022 and will take place via MS Teams. You may have received the joining link to this meeting. The link is also below:

Meeting link for Winter Pressures and PEM meeting

Meeting ID: 398 514 854 623 Passcode: 2FTpmA

Meeting recording

We will be recording the meeting with the aim of making the presentations available to view afterwards via the RCPCH website. The recording will also be used to inform an accompanying summary of issues discussed and potential solutions. We will only make recorded content available from those who have given their consent for us to do so.

If you have any questions please contact


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